Wednesday, February 15
Outside Arcada, 17:18
I walked to Puotila after watching a bus go by as I started to walk down to the stop.
When I got to Arcada I wrote out a detailed version of the assignment for Liisa’s students, so that they would understanding why they should turn up at Temporary tomorrow afternoon. She posted it in their Facebook group and within an hour nineteen of them had seen it. I posted in the Media Management Facebook group and then contacted both John and Agy. At some point before lunch I decided that everything had fallen into place, and that if anything falls out again I will deal with it when it happens.
Ulf Andersson (an exchange lecturer guest from Högskolan Väst in southern Sweden) arrived at the start of the week and has given lectures and workshops. Mirkko, Ulf and I went for lunch to China Flavor with him, at Nathalie’s request, so that he can meet more of us. We spent an hour chatting and I discovered approximately whereabouts in Sweden he comes from. Jutta has so much teaching this week that she has no time for lunch. I collected a tupperware container of sushi for her and took it back to the online media suite where the third year smacked their lips in amusement.
In the afternoon I met with Filip to discuss quality surveys.
The Media Management students have a session now in order to rehearse their presentations for tomorrow, and to iron out any logical flaws in their arguments. I have stepped outside and find myself looking at a fairly amazing dusk sky. It almost always turns crimson but not always to this extent. I watch it for a few minutes and then step back inside.
I will leave the building about 20:10 and listen to Max Richter all the way home.