Tuesday, May 8

YEAR:  2012 | Tags:  | |

A3, Arcada, 21:14

Last night Sunshine managed to keep Moonshine out of the house, and then woke me up at 5am. When I finally got up Auo was still ill, and so Naa and I left together.

I spent the morning setting up the final epub project for the XML Foundations course, and then spent most of the afternoon working with Emma in OpenSim. We finally got the latest version working on the computers. The problem, which Dan and I spent several hours tracing, was due to a highly unlikely but very real slip in the time it takes to launch an application on the compters. This had interfered with the .bat file we were using to start OpenSim by starting MySQL microseconds after OpenSim had already tried to link to it.

I have spent most of the evening making my first serious attempt to get to grips with the differences between scripting in Second Life and scripting in OpenSim. Now I am walking down the corridor to get a glass of organic orange juice, amused by the way that the light can suddenly make it look like Alphaville.

I have an almost-working boat in my pocket world. It is time to go home.