Sunday, December 18

The woods, 10:45
Today we woke up to a winter wonderland. I left for a walk. I turn right into the woods and take photos every ten minutes in an effort to capture the feeling. In the woods only the dogs and dog-walkers make any noise, and I see only a few of them. Eventually I find a contrasting scene in which the snow-covered branches on the right face the dark trees on the left. I realise too late and walk backwards ten metres to regain the spot where I first noticed it.
Irma will spend the rest of the day organising and packing while I keep out of her way until needed. The highlight of my morning will involve scraping my left arm while bringing logs from the shed in a style that Irma will describe as “not the Finnish way”.
Irma will collect Naa about 18:00 and she and I will fold and iron sheets. By the time we go to bed we will have everything where we want it.