Monday, October 10

YEAR:  2016 | Tags:  | |


Hameentie, 11:45


My chill felt better after a long sleep but Irma felt worse in the morning. I cycled through the new, cold weather to the metro station.

The morning passed by as I began the process of grading the summer course. While I sat doing this three students asked me separately if I would mind them handing in their final assignment “a few days late”. I rolled my eyes three times and said the same thing to all of them. I will wait one week and absolutely no longer.

As the morning progressed I realised that I still felt shivery. Either I still had the chill I thought I had yesterday or the temperature in the room had dropped precipitously.

I have decided to get dressed and walk to the mall to buy lunch. I notice this grate as I pass by, walking down Hameentie, and decide that it might have hidden photogenic properties. Right or wrong, I stand over it with my iPad and take a picture.

When I get to the mall I will notice that the franchised doughnut shop has closed down. I will remember the franchise as Cinnabon, and I will wonder about the number of people who lose their savings this way. I do not mean that franchises constitute a scam per se, but rather that desperately optimistic people with savings meet franchising opportunity has the potential to end badly for the franchisee while leaving the franchiser untouched.

At 13:15 I will sit through the team meeting feeling sluggish and not at all like someone looking forward to grading 27 final assignments in the next two days.