Tuesday, September 20
Kalasatama metro, 15:00
The temperature dropped sometime in the night and I cycled to the metro wearing a jumper and a jacket.
I spent the morning with the CMS class installing their virtual machines. I had imagined this would form the basis of a nightmarish morning but circumstances proved me wrong. Everyone downloaded the components with no problems, and then installed everything, and got it up and running, before midday. By the time the class stopped everyone in the room had a new Jetbrains account, and everyone had a WordPress installation running under Windows 7 inside DesktopServer – with phpStorm set up to view it.
Dan had decided, for his own reasons, that we would use a virtual machine running Windows 7. This has the advantage of enabling everyone to immediately see the difference between their virtual computer and their “real” computer.
This afternoon I intend to work furiously on the paper, grant application, and presentation for the Convivial Mechanics project. Believing I will find this easier at home than at my desk I have walked through the sudden sunshine to Kalasatama. I can see the train approaching while I am staring through the glass at the building works. I wait on the platform alone waiting for the train to pass the yellow stripe and stop in the middle of the platform. Since last month all trains have four rather than six carriages, because the new stations in Espoo can only take four carriage trains. Unfortunately the new extension to Espoo, due to open at the end of August, will not now open until January at the earliest. Nonetheless, in order to “practice” the new timetable with specially shortened trains has come into effect.
I will spend the afternoon writing, and I will get a lot done. By the end of the afternoon I will begin to see the shape of the project, and also the shape of the application and my presentation in Riga next week.
Irma will arrive home at about 19:15 and I will go for a strenuous ninety minute walk. I will listen to the new King Crimson album and find it remarkably good.