Friday, August 12

Sundo, 20:30
I spent most of the day working on plans for the Dib Dib Dob website, which included investigating existing one-page themes for WordPress and deciding on whether to use Netbeans as an IDE. Both of these (and maybe the site itself) will play a part in the CMS course that I start teaching next month.
I cycled to the library to collect three Roy Harper cds that I had ordered, and I washed the back wall behind the cooker and sink.
Naa arrived from work and we drove to Sundö. Here the weather is hot and Irma has already mowed the grass. I am outside watching to sun starting to set over the bay. There is a snake on the loose and I have been warned to stamp when I walk through the grass.
Later it will cloud over to prevent us seeing the advertised shooting stars.