Saturday, August 6

YEAR:  2016 | Tags:  | |

Eidisvägen, Stor-Pellinge, 15:15


I woke early and carried on rereading Don Cuppitt’s The Long-Legged Fly in bed.

Before breakfast I beat the carpets and cleaned the house. Afterwards I vacuum-cleaned. Then, to my surprise, instead of going for a long walk I found myself in the car heading for Borgå.

We are in Pellinge doing a series of chores. We have been to Erika’s shop and we have bought tomatoes from Ann-Maj. We have arrived at Galleria Art Marina to deliver some more hand-made paper to Terttu. I have already seen this year’s art – twice – and I am walking down to the bay behind her house and gallery. The weather changes to hot and summery as I walk. When I am ready to take a photograph it looks as though I am in the middle of a hot day.

When we get back to the house I will mow the grass while Irma talks with Camilla. Then I will bail the boat which will involve tying the kind of knot that keeps a boat tied to the jetty.

I have an app for that.