Thursday, July 28

Sundo, 12:15
The day started cloudier but still very hot. We had breakfast outside again and then did two loads of washing.
We noticed that it was the day that the children’s club come to the farm and look around. Ann-Sofie is working there, and so she arrived with another leader and about ten little children. I was weeding the garden and feeding the sheep that live in the field next to us. When the children were with the sheep I cut down a lot of leafy twigs and branches and gave them to Ann-Sofie to hand out. I couldn’t tell whether the children or the sheep were more excited.
Cutting the twigs takes me to the back of the garden where Irma has put the home-made ladder. I am looking at it wondering whether I should climb it – just because it is there. I decide not to. I have been up enough ladders this month. I cut more little trees instead and feed them to the sheep.
In the afternoon I will clean the house and beat all the carpets. We will go to the rubbish dump at the end of the islands with another load of stuff to throw out.
We will call at Jammu and Pirjo’s house to see if they want the tickets we have for Monica Groop’s Sunday concert but they will be out. We will go to Erica’s shop and she will tell us who are next on the official waiting list. Thirty minutes later we will meet the first person, who will turn out to be a relatively distant relative of Irma’s.
Back at the house I will start picking the blackcurrants until the rain begins. I will write this in the sauna house instead and then go in for dinner.
An hour later the rain will start up again to prevent me finishing the fruit picking.