Wednesday, July 20

Kitchen, Vartiokyla, 19:05
Today we waited for the cat. We had intended to leave for Pellinki at about noon but ended up leaving at about 20:00.
In the morning I downloaded the new Scrivener app for iOS, which is definitely worth the wait. I have been using Scrivo, an unofficial iPad app that linked to my projects in Dropbox, and this had proved useful for getting me into a mobile workflow. I would not have considered writing these posts in Scrivener without being able to write them on the go.
The real Scrivener, however, is in a completely different league. If only it had existed while I was writing my doctoral thesis.
The day was hot and we spent most of it in the garden weeding. Naa and I went for a walk to hunt pokemon in the new global craze Pokemon Go. Naa has twenty five pokemon and I have one so far. We were out about twenty minutes and Naa caught one and won a battle with someone nearby. Nothing happened to me at all.
At 18:00 Irma took Naa home and then we took some branches we had cut down to Vuosaari. It is 19:10, Irma is watching the news, I am outside reading the Scrivener manual, and Sunshine is walking into the house wanting food.
In Sundö he refuses to eat dry food. In Helsinki he won’t eat anything else. He is completely oblivious to the fact that we have been waiting all day for him to come back from wherever he has been.
At 19:50 we will be packed and on the road. When we arrive in Sundö it will start gently raining.