Friday, July 8

YEAR:  2016 | Tags:  | | |

Sundo, 12:34


I have Ilta-Sanomat’s weather app on my iPad. It shows both of the main Finnish weather services side by side. Since we have been in Sundö both forecasters have been wrong every day. Today was supposed to be non-stop heavy rain and it wasn’t.

We woke up to something between wet air and light drizzle and by the time we had eaten breakfast it had stopped raining altogether. I had no idea whether I should paint or work on my ebook in the sauna house. Instead I did neither. I sat with Irma and we planned what we are going to do next Spring when we go to India (again) with the Turkish AIrline ticket Irma won a few weeks ago in the India Day lottery. We decided that we will go to Auroville in Pondicherry, which suddenly seemed like a fantastic idea for many reasons.

It is still not raining and I am looking at the rain barrels which are reflecting the trees. They are completely full and therefore serve no purpose at all since the next rain will flow straight off them onto the ground. The reflections are worth watching though, and so I do.

I will help Irma cutting away some small trees from behind the summer kitchen, and feed them to the sheep in the field next to us. I will then attempt to settle down to work on the ebook, but will soon notice that the sky has completely cleared. Maybe this is painting weather after all, I will think.

In the evening Naa will arrive from Helsinki on the one bus that comes directly to Tirmo. I will walk down to meet her.