Thursday, June 16
Kalasatama, 16:45
I spent the entire morning booking the rooms I need for teaching next year. I failed to book some courses because they appear not to have been entered into Arbs. I booked the spaces in my diary and invited Tomas to those that concern him. We will have to deal with the rooms in August.
I then compiled all my invoices for the trips to Vilnius and Sheffield. The Vilnius ones had already been entered into the system, but the Sheffield ones need annotating for Petri this afternoon.
The weather has changed and I have to Kalasatama in a slight drizzle. We had a rapid-fire Pixelache board meeting, with Ags, Ilpo and I in the office (joined later by Petri) and Mikko and Andrew on Skype. Discussions happened. Decisions were made. I gave Petri my receipts.
Now I am wearing my fluorescent orange Tiger cycling poncho because the rain outside is torrential. I am walking to Kalasatama metro station and here I am entering the temporary tunnel that snakes under the main highway. When I get to Puotila the rain will be no less and I will cycle home protected by Danish plastic.
The good news is that it works. My thighs will be wet but the rest of me will be dry.