Wednesday, April 13

Kalasatama, 18:00
I had a morning of frustration and learning the hard way. My laptop decided it needed updating and closed on me without an option to delay. So a number of applications force-quit, which Portable Apps do not necessarily like. Then, when it restarted, Evernote refused to work properly. I seemed to have read-only access. Firefox updated itself and the Pocket clipper refused to work, or to let me log in.
By the afternoon I had realised that the problems with Evernote revolved around some maybe not so mysterious corruption in the local database. I then restored it, and restored it on my iPad for good measure. Both took most of the afternoon to update but worked perfectly once they had.
The new version of Firefox, I learned though a most circuitous route, now has Pocket incorporated as a core function. The clipper no longer worked because it was no longer needed. Aaargh, I say.
It was bright blue sky outdoors while I was indoors doing this, and so I ran away as soon as I could and cycled home.
We are on our way to deliver a chair to Naa’s granddad. We are driving along Itävaylä through Kalasatama, where a whole new town is being built. The work involves eight sky high cranes and here are five or six of them. As they move back and forwards they look like gigantic insects from a distance. I am taking this through the car window as we jockey for position before the diversions.
We wil deliver the chair, do some shopping for Naa, and then deliver Sunshine and the shopping to her when she finishes work. Sunshine will seem remarkably happy being left in Naa’s apartment, presumably because it loves Naa in its cat-like way.