Thursday, March 17

Rautatientori, 19:10
I spent the morning with the Structuring Information group and the afternoon with the Games Theory group. In the latter we converted our increasingly ragged map into a syllabus for the final course. We then divided that into five modules, each of which contains three or four topics.
At 17:15 I met the Media Masters group and gave them feedback on their pecha kuchas_ the final assignment that they did for the Digital Mediascapes course.
Now I have come to the centre to meet someone from Keele in Pickwick’s I am not sure if I will recognise him and, right on cue, I don’t. Mike recognises me though, approaches me, and we chat for two hours, over two pints of beer.
He obviously knew a lot of people that I knew but as I am watching him I have no specific recollection of his face. I am surprised and intrigued.
I will be even more surprised and intrigued when I learn that he is staying about 200 metres from our house. His ex-partner lives in Vartiokylä with their 19 year old son, and he comes to visit three or four times a year.
I expect we will be meeting again.