Tuesday, March 15
Arcada, A3, 13:00
This morning I worked with the first year who are beginning their final epub project. We began by designing book covers. They will each make an epub book of one of the Oz books, and this year we will actually publish them online, possibly via the Pixelache web site. Or maybe this one. Their task was to conceive a cover design that could be remade for each of the fourteen books. By the end of the morning the entries were in.
I have had a quick lunchtime meeting with Liisa about what was decided yesterday, eaten a sandwich or three, and now I am walking up and down for exercise. The window shows that Spring has not yet given up, and the light is brighter than ever.
I will spend the afternoon writing another draft of my paper for Limerick. Or trying to. It will prove impossible to get much done under the avalanche of competing questions. Everyone wants “only a minute or two”, but twenty such enquiries add up to most of an afternoon.
At home, I will say a brief hello to Naa who will pass through on her way home to collect some more stuff. I will go for a long walk and buy some milk. I will remind myself of what a fine and interesting album Michael Nesmith’s And The Hits Just Keep On Coming is. Later I will play with Sunshine and have a shower.
An evening of music, cats and hygiene then.