Sunday, February 14

Pakila, 16:00
I went for a short walk in the slush. It would have been a longer walk but I rapidly realised just how slushy the slush was.
It is Valentine’s Day so before brunch we exchanged cards and gifts. I gave an Issay Miyake x iittala vase with a tulip and a charmingly childish card and I got an oversized tiffin box that had somehow been smuggled back from India in our luggage without me noticing. Either I am very unobservant or I live with expert smugglers.
After brunch we set for to see Irma’s father through sheets of rain and / or snow. We met Naa at Puotila and she told us her Heureka story as we went.
We are in Pakila in the gym we discovered a few weeks ago. In one corner is a ceramic church, and I am drawn to trying to photograph it as though it is a real church. This is made possible by the fact that it has no roof and so the light shines onto the little people.
Later I will go for another walk because nothing is falling from the sky any longer. The temperature will have dropped and I will be glad to have a shower when I get back.