Thursday, February 11
Corhuset, 8:50
I left the house in the pouring rain, and arrived at Arcada in the pouring rain. The weather was, at least, consistent.
I got to work at about 8:40 and Jutta pointed out that the new student union executive committee was having a breakfast for the staff today. I stopped taking my shoes off, put my coat back on, and off we went. To our suprise we were not the only ones to brave the rain for a free sandwich.
Lillian was here before us and has been joined by several others from administration. Bettina and several nursing staff are here. Tore and Philip have just arrived. We have had sandwiches and are now eating freshly made waffles. I am eating mine into shapes and at this moment it is a jam and cream covered heart.
I will spend the whole day working on final details for the Digital Mediascapes course that starts at 16:15. While doing this I will have several conversations with several people about future plans and grant applications. I will write several emails about outstanding issues. Time will pass.
At 16:20 I will collect Tom Lindh from the main desk and we will join Tomas in room 309 to judge the presentations from the previous Innovations course. This will segue nicely into my course, at least in theory.
The first part of the evening will go very well indeed. The second part will be my lecture on media history. This will be long and detailed and people will be exhausted and begging to go home at the end. The intended discussion will be postponed and off we will go.
I will wait eleven minutes for a tram, six minutes for a metro, and twenty two minutes for a bus. I will get home in time to have a shower and fall asleep.