Thursday, December 10

A3, Arcada, 11:50
I have spent this morning trying to second-guess the remaining problems that I will have this afternoon. Theoretically this means that, in working out what they are, I will also have worked out what the solutions are. By the time I have to stop I am not sure that theory and practice will actually operate in sync this afternoon.
Now I have gone to fill up the kettle and on the way back I look over the balcony to see the tent is still hovering.
On Tuesday there was a gala dinner and party for Expedition Arcada which I missed because I was already booked for a Pixelache board meeting. As part of this, various pieces of equipment were displayed around the building, and this was one of them. I forgot to ask Jutta what it was exactly, but it is obviously a tent and it is obviously hovering.
What you can’t see in the photograph, unfortunately, is that it is covered in signatures from the staff and students who took part in the project. Perhaps they all took turns sleeping in it.
At midday Liisa and I will spend an hour planning a presentation for Monday’s team meeting. We will decide to do it as a pecha kucha because we keep talking about them, and the way that they provide a clear structure and length for a pitch, and so we will put this in to action for ourselves.
At 13:15 I will enter the lion’s den for the final round of Wrestling with Foundation.