Future Learning Spaces

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POSTED: March 30, 2012

Last October I assisted Stefan Sonvilla-Weiss to organise the seventh Designs on E-Learning conference at Aalto University.

All the papers and presentations from the conference have been edited and gathered into a 300 page pdf e-book, edited by Stefan and I, under the title Future Learning Spaces. This has now been published by Aalto University Press and will soon be available from their web bookshop, the url of which is books.aalto.fi

the book of the conference

Free downloads

I am making the book available for download here as well, on the grounds that I think it is an interesting book and the more people who have access to it the better. It is available as a zip file, or as a simple pdf file.

Warning: if you click on the pdf file it might well open in your browser before offering you the chance to download it. That’s why I have included the option to download it as a zip file.

As the illustration above suggests, the book has been designed and tested with the iPad in mind, but it should work on desktop and laptop computers as well as with most e-readers.

Please feel free to download it, and to ask your friends and family to download it too.

Download pdf file | Download zip file


For those of you who need to know this sort of thing, the book’s official identification numbers are

  • ISBN 987-952-60-4517-7 (pdf)
  • ISSN-L 1799-4853
  • ISSN 1799-4861 (pdf)


1. As of March 31, the e-book is available directly from the Aalto University web bookstore. If the download links here are busy then you can try there, and vice versa.

2. As of April 3, there is an updated version available for download. This corrects an error with the diagram on page 52.